SHOP.COM Mobile Questions Answered!

You asked, we answered! The SHOP.COM Mobile smartphone app brings the efficiency and savviness from SHOP.COM to your wireless device! We asked you to send us your questions and concerns with using SHOP.COM Mobile so that we could answer them and continue bettering your shopping experience. I sat down with Steve Ashley, VP of Mobile and Social Products to find answers that will improve your mobile shopping experience.

Will ShopBuddy be mobile in the future?
The mobile team has been in touch with the vendor for ShopBuddy about ironing out existing issues. The major challenge with ShopBuddy as a mobile utility occurs with its compatibility with Safari and other tracking elements. Safari represents 80% of mobile traffic, so the team cannot yet launch a mobile feature that does not always work with Safari. The team is actively exploring other options and will keep everyone posted.

Will you be releasing a Windows Phone app?
There is not a current plan to design a mobile app specific for Windows. The team will continue to monitor traffic on Windows devices and will look further into building an app when the traffic shows signs of growth. Right now, Windows traffic is less than 1 percent.

Is the transfer buy accessible on SHOP.COM Mobile?
No, however, the team is looking at future phases of UnFranchise® Mobile and will add Transfer Buy to that.

In order to shop at partner stores using a mobile phone, do we go thru SHOP.COM or directly to the partner store? If we go directly to the stores website, how does it get connected to our cash back if ShopBuddy isn’t mobile?
Since ShopBuddy is not mobile, you must go through SHOP.COM to get a partner store to receive Cashback. If you go directly to the store, you will not receive your Cashback since ShopBuddy is not mobile friendly.

Do we have a working barcode scanner on the Android mobile app?
The barcode scanner should be updated in the next build, which is anticipated to release over the next two weeks. Let us know if you’re experiencing any problems!

Can we track hits and views on our SHOP.COM site from users on the mobile app?
Unfortunately, no. The company tracks overall distributor portal traffic as well as corporate but we do not break that down individually.

If you have any more questions or if your question was not answered, be sure to comment below and ask!

