Shop Consultant Spotlight: Jim Winkler

Learning from the experience of other UnFranchise® Owners is a great way to build your business, so we’ve created a brand new blog feature that will help you do just that! We’re excited to introduce “Shop Consultant Spotlight,” a weekly interview with a top Shop Consultant answering YOUR questions! 

This week, our featured Shop Consultant is successful UnFranchise® Owner and Vice President of Sales Jim Winkler. Over the years, Jim has achieved marked success by dedicating himself to the UnFranchise® system. Want to know his tips and tricks for how you can do the same? Read on!

Market America: What’s the best piece of advice you were given when you first started your UnFranchise® Business?

Jim Winkler:  When I started, I wanted to build my business as quickly as possible. The best advice I received was to get the plan in front of as many people as fast as possible. To do this, I began by showing our business plan over and over and eventually turned those into home presentations.

MA: How do you get new UFOs to commit to doing call workshops? Often we run into resistance and fear. How do you help them overcome this?

JW: If you schedule a call workshop with them right away, even it’s with just two or three people, they won’t know the difference.  It’s important to let new individuals you are bringing in the business know that this is how we build and how we ensure that all of our home events are filled with guests.

MA: In order to develop a strong organization that successfully duplicates the ABC pattern, what are the best steps to maintain growth and constant duplication, so as not to get stuck in reverse duplication?

JW: Build in the homes! It is very important to always be doing small presentations in the homes of new people.  Reverse duplication occurs when people only do presentations in their own home, rather than moving them into the new person’s home.

MA: Is it normal to go through waves of success and failure with the system? If so, what are your most valuable tips for helping the growth of an organization go more smoothly?

JW: Yes, it is normal. The business is a lot like a roller coaster for the first year or two, especially for those who are not mentally prepared for all the ups and downs. When starting out, it is especially critical that people listen to Market America audios every day.  It is something that even I still do today – 15 years later.  As a new person, this will educate you quickly and build a strong belief in the system, which will help keep you from experiencing much bigger swings during the ups and downs of the business.

MA: How do you explain what you do to someone you just met in 30 seconds or less?

JW: No two situations are the same, so I make sure to tailor my message to my audience.  Sometimes I’ll talk about owning a product brokerage and Internet Marketing company.  Other times I may share with someone that I help train and teach people how to start their own business out of their home using the internet. There is no magic word or phrase you can use in any given situation. The key is that you say something, and have fun doing it!

MA: What is your favorite Isotonix® product to sell?

JW: I love to sell the kits we have recently come out with. My favorite one is the Daily Essentials Kit, which includes OPC-3, Calcium, B-Complex, and our Multi vitamin. It saves the customer almost $60 and makes the UnFranchise owner a $40 retail profit! This is an amazing deal for everyone.

MA: What is the #1 quick tip you share with someone starting their own UnFranchise® Business?

JW: Sorry, but have to give you two! First, you must be a product of your own business. Change all of your buying habits and purchase everything you can (MA branded products and partner stores) through your own business to create a shopping annuity. Second, you must always be focused on result-producing activities. These include showing the business plan, selling the product, and attend training events with your team.

We would like to thank Jim Winkler for taking the time to speak with us and revealing some of his best business-building tips! To submit a question, keep a close eye on the Market America Facebook page. Every Tuesday at 12pm we’ll give you an opportunity to submit questions for that week’s Shop Consultant. Then, read the MA blog on Mondays to see if one of your questions has been answered!

Now it’s your turn: which one of Jim’s tips do you think will be the most helpful to your UnFranchise® Business and why? Comment your answer below!
