So…You Want to Become a Star Recruiter?

What separates the star recruiters from the rest of us? Some of you may just sigh and say, “Well, they’re just born that way, I will never be like them” to which I say you’re WRONG! Star recruiters are made, not born, but it takes a lot of hard work and effort to get there. So let’s start with the basics and talk about what you can do now to become better at recruiting.

When in doubt, blurt it out
Want to say something to someone but don’t know where to begin? Rather than just letting that person walk away, it’s better to blurt out anything versus nothing at all. When you say nothing, you have no chance whatsoever of recruiting that person, but when you blurt it out (regardless of what you say or how it sounds) you do have a smidgen of a chance. Shy people, this means you, too! Practice blurting it out instead of holding it all in, and once you  have mastered this tip, you can move on to…

Don’t throw up
It is true that when in doubt, you should blurt it out, because saying something is more valuable than saying nothing. However, when you start to feel more at ease with talking to people, you must learn to control what you say by not “throwing up” on them. If you meet someone in the grocery store who would be a perfect addition to your team, simply mention something about owning an internet marketing and sales company. Schedule a time to meet with them later – no need to get into details right there at the grocery store. This will take practice, and practice you must – you can’t expect to be a pro at it right out of the gate!

Don’t plan on showing the plan
Wait, what did I just say? That’s right, when you make an appointment with someone, don’t plan on showing the plan to them. When you go into an appointment expecting to show the plan, you’re not always thinking of the other person. You’re thinking about showing the plan. So instead, when you go into an appointment, arrive ready to learn about the person and their goals. Only once you have done this can you evaluate whether or not you should show them the plan.

Don’t be weird
You may have heard this before, but I’m going to tell you again: don’t be weird. Don’t spend all your time trying to recruit your friends in person or on social media. If you mention at a party or post a few times on Facebook about looking for people to help expand your business, fine. Anything more than that may make you weird, annoying, and very de-friendable. Don’t talk about your business so much that it drives your friends away.

Educate instead of selling
Whether you’re talking to someone about a product or your business, make sure you focus on educating them about the opportunity or product rather than trying to sell it to them. When you focus on educating instead of selling, they will be more receptive and open to what you have to say. This also means that you have to know your products and the plan inside and out. Make it YOUR business to understand OUR business before trying to go out and recruit new people or retail products!

Saying the right thing to the wrong person won’t get you anywhere
There are people who are looking for a business like ours, so when you talk to them it won’t matter what comes out of your mouth, just as long as you open your mouth and say something. You will also encounter a lot of people who are “wrong” for the business and just aren’t interested in hearing what you have to say. You will never be able to say the right thing to these people. Over time, you’ll learn to recognize the difference between these two types of people.


These are some of our recruiting tips, but we want to hear yours, too! Comment with your favorite recruiting tips below and we might feature you in a future post on the ma Blog!
