Social Media: Has it helped your business?

Have you recruited someone using social media? If so, tell us your story and you may have the opportunity to share it on stage at the 20th Annual International Convention!

Senior Vice President Loren Ridinger and VP of Mobile and Social Products Steve Ashley are looking for a few great testimonials that demonstrate the success many UnFranchise® owners have had using social media for prospecting and recruiting. We are looking for testimonials in the following categories:

(A) Testimonials of UnFranchise Owners who have recruited a new Distributor(s) through social media, explaining how it was done. BOTH the sponsoring Distributor and new recruit WILL BE in attendance at International Convention

(B) Testimonials of UnFranchise Owners who have recruited a new Distributor(s) through social media, explaining how it was done. EITHER the sponsoring Distributor OR new recruit WILL BE in attendance at International Convention (please specify which one will attend)

(C) Testimonials from Distributors who were sponsored through social media, how they were contacted, what sold them on being an UnFranchise Owner, and the Sponsored Distributor WILL BE in attendance at International Convention

(D) Testimonials of UnFranchise Owners who have recruited a new Distributor(s) through social media,explaining how it was done. BOTH the sponsoring Distributor and new recruit WILL NOT BE in attendance at International Convention

Please email your testimonials to and include in the subject line whether your testimonial is Category A, B, C or D. If your testimonial is selected, Loren and Steve may ask you to share it on stage at Convention during their Social Media Talk Show!
