Social Media Monday: 5 Tips From Around the Web For UnFranchise Owners

Today we’re sharing our favorite social media tips from around the web that are perfect for UnFranchise Owners! From easy-to-apply ideas for making the most out of Twitter to helpful information about getting started with Vine, we’ve scoured the web for the best tips our UnFranchise Owners can benefit the most from. Read on to find out what they are, and put them into practice ASAP!

Tip #1: While it’s ideal to post content every day on Facebook, post your most important content towards the end of the week.

According to social media industry leader Buffer, content that is posted towards the end of the week (Thursday, Friday) get higher engagement. Read up on the best times to post on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ here.

Tip #2: Come up with a “commenting strategy” for business and self-promotion on Google+.

It’s important to treat promotion of anything, including self-promotion, on social media as an ongoing project. But in terms of Google+, blatant self-promotion is a very bad idea. What’s an UnFranchise Owner to do? Come up with a “commenting strategy,” of course! Read more about networking strategies for Google+ here.

Tip #3: Use a service like Join.Me to collaborate with business partners far and wide.

This article “7 tools I could not live without when working remotely” is tailored for the typical remote employee, but that doesn’t mean UnFranchise Owners can’t take advantage of the advice offered, too! Our favorite tool mentioned here is the website Join.Me, and online meeting and screen-sharing solution. While there are several services out there, the author of this post states that Join.Me is the most reliable in terms of connection. Read more about Join.Me and the other tools mentioned here.

Tip #4: Love shooting and posting short video clips? Try using Vine to build your brand!

According to Mashable, Vine presents brands (including small-business entrepreneurs and UnFranchise Owners!) with a unique opportunity to reach new customers, build awareness of you and your brand, and “get the message out” in 6 seconds flat! Not only is Vine easy to use, it’s been proven that Vine is an effective way of spreading a (short) message that is easy to digest for viewers. If you’re already on Vine, start brainstorming how you can use it to build your personal brand. If you’re not, download the app today, and read this article about how you can make the most of it when it comes to the success of your business.

Tip #5: Get more followers on Twitter by being “topically focused.”

Did you know that Twitter accounts that are more topically focused tend to get more new followers than others? For example, an UnFranchise Owner who focuses on tweeting entrepreneurial-themed content the majority (90-100%) of the time will earn more followers than someone who tweets about being an entrepreneur, their love for dogs, yoga and French cuisine. Find out more about this as well as other steps you can take to gain more followers organically here.

These are only some of the helpful social media tips published last week on the web! If we missed one you think is noteworthy, please feel free to share it with us in the comment section below!
