Social Media Monday: How to Retweet While Linking to YOUR SHOP.COM Site

The ma Blog Team LOVES to share our favorite tips and tricks for building your business – especially when it comes to social media. So, every Monday, we share some of the latest tips, and the answers to our most frequently asked questions. Today we’ll be tackling how you take advantage of retweeting on Twitter without directing sales to someone else’s site!


As a Twitter user and business owner, it’s essential that you know how to use bitly. Bitly is a link-shortening tool that helps you make long links tiny and tweet-friendly. All you have to do is visit their website. You can make a link quickly, without logging in, or you can choose to log in with Facebook, Twitter or a separately-created account. We recommend you log in with Twitter, if you’ll be using it to create links to share on Twitter!

When you see a tweet you love that contains a link to a product on SHOP.COM, sometimes you can hesitate to retweet it. Your followers might love that product! But, you don’t want to direct your customers to shop on someone else’s site – it creates confusion and you lose Business Volume. However, so long as you manually retweet, it’s simple to modify the tweet so that your followers and customers click through to YOUR SHOP.COM site to purchase the product.

If, for example, Loren Ridinger tweeted about the hot new shade of Motives by Loren Ridinger Mineral Lipstick in Aware (every lipstick purchased donates $1 to to support breast cancer awareness), and you wanted to retweet it, you just need to put in a little extra effort to direct people to your SHOP.COM site or mini site.

Original Tweet: @LorenRidinger: Love the latest @Motives lipstick! Aware donates $1 to the fight against #breastcancer

Now, visit the link in the tweet to see where it goes. Then, using your mini site, go to the same destination, copy the link address, and visit bitly to turn it into a shortened link. Then, copy the tweet using your computer’s copy-paste function (instead of the retweet button), and add “RT” to show it’s a retweet. Just paste your NEW link over the one included in the original post. Now, when your followers click the link, they’ll be directed to your site. You’ll earn the sales credit for your retweet, and your customers will earn Cashback!

Your Tweet: @You: RT @LorenRidinger: Love the latest @Motives lipstick! Aware donates $1 to the fight against #breastcancer

Stay tuned! Every Monday we’ll be sharing more of our favorite inside techniques for using social media to grow your business. You can also find out more by checking out last week’s Social Media Monday post: How to Share Your Favorite Links.

What would you like to learn how to do?
