Social Media Monday: Sharing Posts on Facebook

Have you ever struggled with the Share feature on Facebook? If you said “yes”, don’t worry, you’re not alone! While sharing posts can be one of the best ways to promote your business and introduce your Facebook friends to the products you sell, it can be confusing if you’ve never done it before. But not to fear, UnFranchise® Owners! Social Media Monday is here, and today we’re going to talk about how to share posts on Facebook and why it can help you build your business!

First things first: What do you want to share?

Let’s say that you see a really great photo on the Isotonix® Facebook page that you want to share with your Facebook friends. First, locate the Share button at the bottom the the photo (it’s next to Like and Comment). Once you click it, a window will pop up that says “Share this photo”.

Note: I’m using a photo as an example, but you can also share links, status updates, and videos from pages, too!

Where do you want to share it?

Next, you need to decide where you want to share the photo. Your options are: on your own timeline, on a friend’s timeline, or in a private message. Have you made up your mind? Great! Scroll down to the instructions that correspond with the selection you have made.

Share it on your own timeline

At the top of the share window you will see a drop-down menu that has pre-selected “share on your own timeline” for you (see image below). If you choose to share the post on your personal timeline, your friends will be able to see it when they visit your timeline and it will also appear in their News Feed (a.k.a. your Home screen). Before you click “share”, make sure to type your own caption in the “write something” box!

Share on your friend’s timeline

Feel like sharing the photo on your friend’s timeline? Click the drop-down menu and select “on a friend’s timeline” and type their name into the dialogue box that pops up. Don’t forget to add a personalized note to your friend explaining why you chose to share this particular photo on their timeline! Also, keep in mind that when you share something on a friend’s timeline, your friend and all of their friends will be able to see it, so while you want to keep the message personal, don’t make it too personal, alright?

Share in a private message

Would you rather share the photo with your friend (or several of your friends) in a private message? No sweat! Simply click the drop-down menu and select “in a private message”. Type the name of your friend, or multiple names, in the dialogue box that appears below the drop-down menu. Again, don’t forget to add a personalized message before you send it; sharing a photo (or any post!) without a personalized message will confuse the recipient(s) and come off like spam.

Alright, so how will sharing Facebook posts help me build my business?  

Great question! By sharing photos, updates, and links from the Market America Facebook page (or any of our brand pages), you are sharing quality content that is specific to what you do and the products you sell. By inadvertently exposing your Facebook friends to different aspects of your business, you have a greater chance of receiving inquiries from them about ma® products or questions about business opportunities.

A few important things to remember

Always, always, always include a thoughtful caption with the post: sharing something without a caption is a waste of your time because it looks thoughtless and spam-y. Don’t be a Sally-Share-It-All! Be choosy about what you share, and don’t share everything you see. It’s very important that you are posting your own updates, photos, and links to your page in addition to sharing content.

Well, that’s all folks! Congrats, you are now an expert at sharing posts on Facebook! So since you’re such an expert, TELL us how you plan to leverage this awesome Facebook feature to build your business. We might feature your answer in an upcoming ma® Blog post!
