Social Media Monday: Tips From Around the Web for UnFranchise Owners

Today we’re switching it up a bit and sharing our favorite social media tips on the web that are perfect for UnFranchise Owners! From easy-to-apply ideas for making the most out of Twitter to helpful information about getting started with Instagram, we’ve scoured the web for the best tips our UnFranchise Owners can benefit the most from. Are you ready to see what they are?

How to get your business started on Instagram: 5 Tips

Instagram is the fastest growing social media network there is! If you’re not already signed up for an account, what are you waiting for? This article has some great tips for building your personal and business brand on Instagram. For example: “Visual content gets an excellent response on social media. And if you really want to make a splash on Instagram, choose a diverse mix of content that combines different elements of your business. You business is NOT just about one thing – it’s not just about a product or service, it’s about the people, location and industry. Make a list of the multitude of aspects that make up your brand so you have an initial plan for the types of images you can post.”

While this article is geared towards businesses, the tips shared are perfect for UnFranchise Owners who want to build their business with Instagram. Check out the rest of the tips here.

6 tips to boost Twitter Conversations

Feeling a bit lonely on Twitter? Wish more people would engage with your or retweet your tweets? Don’t rely on fate to increase your Twitter conversations, take it into your own hands and do it yourself! How? Well, as the article states, the first thing you need to do is make your Twitter profile inviting. “When someone is looking for you on Twitter, the first thing they’ll do is search for you and then they’ll check out your profile. If you want more followers, this is their first stop, so make it POP!” Read the rest of the tips here.

5 ways to reduce social media exhaustion 

If you’re using social media to build your business, you know firsthand that it’s easy to get burnt out. Maybe you’re just tired of posting, maybe you’re just sick of reading other users’ updates, but whatever the reason, it happens to all of us.

While we love all of these tips, this one is our favorite: “It is safe to say that those who are new to social media want to make the best impression. While this doesn’t necessarily mean that they have to post inspirational quotes and song lyrics ad nauseam, they will still want to showcase a generally positive attitude. However, when social media exhaustion sets in, it’s very likely that demeanors will change. If people do not showcase tiredness with the messages or tweets they put forth, they might actually appear snappish towards others. To put it simply, the more people that you drive away with poor networking, the more tired you’ll be with social media in general. The best – and possibly only – advice that can be given is to simply walk away and come back to your page at a later time.”

Read the article here to see what other tips you can apply to your daily social media routine!

7 ways to improve Twitter engagement 

Are you on Twitter? We sure hope so! Regardless of if you’re a seasoned Twitter user or total newbie, you’ll be able to find some helpful tips in this article. One of our favs is #1, which states: “Understand the difference between engagement and broadcasting. Engagement is a conversation that is always a two-way street. It is not telling someone about your latest product you want them to try. Sometimes we forget that we are communicating with an actual person, not their profile. Remember social media interaction is human-to-human.”

Read the article here to see what other tips you can apply to your Twitter strategy.

These are only some of the helpful social media tips published last week on the web! If we missed one you think is noteworthy, please feel free to share it with us in the comment section below.
