Social Media Monday: Top 5 Tips From Around the Web

Today we’re switching it up a bit and sharing our favorite social media tips from around the web! From helpful suggestions for optimizing your LinkedIn profile to just-released info about using the newest Twitter photo feature, we’ve scoured the web for the best and most up-to-date tips our UnFranchise Owners can benefit the most from. Are you ready to see what they are?

LinkedIn Tip: Find and connect with more people you know to build your sphere of influence

“The Network tab in the top navigation on your LinkedIn account offers a variety of tools to grow and connect with contacts in your professional network. Click Add Connections in the drop-down menu to import contacts from your email accounts, and use the Contacts tool to connect with suggested new contacts, stay in touch with current connections, keep track of your communications, and get notifications when contacts in your network change jobs, have birthdays, or when you haven’t chatted with them in a while — on desktop or in the Contacts mobile app! “

Want more info about how to optimize your LinkedIn profile? Read the rest of this article here (we highly suggest it!).

Facebook Tip: How to see which Facebook Pages have liked your Page

Do you have a Facebook Page (not a personal Facebook Profile) for your UnFranchise Business? Then you’re going to love this tip for finding out which Facebook Pages like your Page. The step-by-step instructions + visual diagrams are a bit too long to post here, so we highly suggest checking the post out 🙂

Twitter tip: How to use the newest photo feature

“You can now add four photos to a single tweet and for the first time, you can tag up to 10 friends in a Twitter photo, without taking away from your 140-character count. For now, the multiple photos can only be uploaded via iPhone, but Android and functionality will follow shortly. The friend tagging feature works pretty much as it does on Facebook. You tag your Twitter friends in the picture, then the friend gets a notification.”

Want to learn more about this new Twitter feature? Read the full article here on Mashable!

Social Media Tip: Conduct a self-audit to preserve your reputation

Do a personal online audit. Scour the net with your name, starting with Google search. If there are any mentions of you on the first few pages that might negatively impact your application, then it is time to remove or edit any inappropriate content.”

More tips for preserving your reputation and removing any incriminating content you posted in the past can be found here.

Twitter tip: How to connect with people you admire on Twitter

“Like any good conversation, you first need to find something you have in common to talk about [with the person you are trying to connect with]. This could be pretty much anything: Do you and someone you admire share a love for the same offbeat feminist publication? That’s an easy topic for your tweets. Are you and an influencer both alumni from the same college? It’s a great way to start off a conversation. The sooner you find out what you both can offer one another, the easier it’ll be to establish a meaningful connection.”

Read the rest of this article here.

These are some of our favorite tips we found on the web over the past week, but we’d love to hear yours! Share them with us in the comment section below 🙂
