Social Media Monday: Top Social Media Stories on the Web

Happy Social Media Monday! We know that UnFranchise® Owners are very busy people, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want to stay up to date on what’s going on in the world of social media! To keep you in the know, we scoured the web for last week’s top social media-related news and posts that are relevant to YOU!

Hashtags on Facebook? Well, I never…

Facebook recently announced that they will introduce the hashtag to their social media platform (we’re just not sure WHEN this will happen). This will inevitably transform the way users engage with each other as well as brands. For more info on this recent development, check out this article “Facebook Hashtags: What will they mean for brands and users?

Happy birthday Twitter!

Twitter turned 7 last week! If you STILL haven’t signed up for your own Twitter account (or if you have but don’t have a clue how to use it), check out our most recent Twitter tutorial HERE on MeetON!

StumbleUpon is…what exactly?

Have you heard of StumbleUpon, but not exactly sure what it is or how to set up an account? Make sure to check out this helpful post on Mashable titled “StumbleUpon: A Beginners Guide.”

Google is getting rid of Google Reader

If you’re an avid user of Google Reader, you are probably pretty upset that it will be going away in July. Forever. Yeah, we’re pretty sad about it, too. But after we read this post about 4 great Google Reader alternatives on, we perked up a bit. 🙂

How YOU can use Twitter for sales and marketing

Even though this post is geared towards businesses, there is still a ton of great information about how UnFranchise® Owners can use Twitter to effectively market their products, engage with customers, and refer more people to your portal. Check it out here.

Pinterest got a makeover!

Are you on Pinterest? Then you’ve probably heard about the new look that was recently introduced for the site. Pinterest is now even more focused on images and user friendly…woo hoo! Check out the official Pinterest blog to get the down-low on all these purrrty updates.

Oh, and if you haven’t heard, Facebook got a makeover, too

Just when you were getting used to Facebook, they’re changing their timeline – again! But not to worry, these changes will roll out gradually and will seriously improve user experience. Take a look at the improvements here.

Did you StumbleUpon any P-interesting social media articles or posts last week (both puns very much intended)? Share them with us in the comments below! 
