Social Media Monday: Using Pinterest To Set Your Holiday List

If you’re anything like me, I’m sure you’ve struggled with trying to find the time to get everything on your “to-do” list done before the Holidays arrive. Gift buying, holiday parties, and school activities seem to take up every last second of the day. And if you’re also like me, you’re probably still searching for that perfect present for your special someone. Can’t find the right gift? What if I told you it was probably online waiting for you to find it?

Pinterest, the ever growing social media channel dedicating to sharing, or “pinning” photos, is the perfect place to find inspiration for gifts for family and friends. Where else can you glean insight into items that you’re special someone might find interesting? If you have a loved one that has been on Pinterest for some time, just glancing at their page should be enough to give you plenty of inspiration (especially if you’re a last minute shopper, like I am).

And here’s an even better idea, why not use the holidays as motivation to start a Pinterest account and create your own holiday list on SHOP.COM? Creating an account is very easy; all it takes is 60 seconds and an email address. Once you’ve created your account, head over to SHOP.COM and follow these steps:

1. Pick your gift
Once you’ve found a present you can’t live without, click the “pin it” button to the right of your product. (You can also learn how to download this button to your toolbar here.)


2. Edit your pin
A small window will open with the image you’ve selected. Choose which board you’d like to pin it to. In this case, we’ve dedicated an entire board on Pinterest just for a wish list of holiday gifts! A description will appear automatically, but you can edit it however you’d like. When you’re finished, click the red Pin It button.

3. Share
Your window should refresh to tell you that your item was pinned successfully! Here, you have the choice to share it on Facebook or Twitter for maximum exposure. If you’d rather not share, no worries! Simply click “See your Pin” to go directly to your Pinterest board.

4. See
Your pin will now be the first photo on the board of your choosing. You can edit the pin or leave a comment on it at any time. Share your board with friends & family so they know what’s on your holiday wish list!

What other tips, tricks and ideas do you have to use social media this holiday season? Share them in the comment section below. Happy Holidays!
