Social Media Monday: What Do You Need to Know About the Google+ Redesign?

Last week Google announced a whole slew of enhancements made to Google services. Many of the most talked about features and redesigns were made to Google’s social network Google+. Want to learn more? Here’s what you need to know about the redesigns!

Let’s say you post something about a Boston Redsox player on your Google+ page. Google will automatically hashtag the Redsox, which you can then click and explore a bunch of related content posted across Google+ that is related to the Boston Redsox. You have the option of editing the tag (if, by chance, Google doesn’t get it right) and turning tags off so your post stays private. But after seeing all the cool stuff that the hashtag feature can do, you will wonder why anyone would want to do that!

Posts are no longer posts anymore; they’re called “cards” which function much like a postcard. On one side, you’ll see an image with a caption, but click the hashtag Google+ assigned the post and it flips over to reveal related content. Now you’ll be able to discover new content with the simple “flip of a card”!

Multi-Column Design
If you’re thinking that Google+ is looking a whole lot like Pinterest, you’re right! Google ditched their linear design for a multi-column design that is both aesthetically appealing and a lot more fun to navigate!

Photo Editing
Google+ has long been seen as a “cloud” for photos and content, but has been lacking the editing features that amateur photographers and professionals crave. That all changes now! Google now gives you the option to “auto enhance” all your images to make them beautiful, perfectly exposed , and less grainy. It’s like a professional editing tool right in your Google account you simply can’t afford to miss out on!

These are just a few of the whopping 41 new features Google has added to your Google+ account! Find out more about all these fun, helpful, and even awe-inspiring features in this article on Mashable.

What new Google+ feature are you most excited about? Tell us in the comments below! 
