Success Stories: Phil and Sue Guido

Over the next couple of months, we plan on sharing with you something we would like to call Success Stories with Market America. We’ve taken the time to sit down with some of Market America’s top-earners to profile their successes and also to provide you with valuable tips at networking and growing your own business.

Our first Success Story is Phil and Sue Guido, who have been involved with Market America since it’s inception.  Here are a few numbers that should get you excited about your own UnFranchise® business!

Phil Guido of Market America
Phil and Sue Guido of Market America

  • Phil and Sue  reached an all-time high in retail sales just a few day’s ago.
  • Customers ordered an average of 4.7 orders per customer during the calendar year.
  • Repeat customers accounted for over half of their orders.

This demonstrates that building and fostering a solid and stable relationship with your customer’s is important towards building a successful business.

So you’re probably wondering how you too can reach such growth rates. Phil Guido took some time to provide seven tips that he feels helped him to achieve his goals.  Take a moment and check out Phil Guido’s tips on how he built a successful UnFranchise® business.

7 Business Building Tips from Phil Guido

TIP #1:

We all have the time, it’s just a matter of priorities. Don’t use your busy lifestyle, and the fact that you have no time as an excuse. I built my business while working 60+ hours per week in my pharmacy. It is all about priorities. Make the time.

TIP #2:

Rub shoulders with the positive, successful entrepreneurs to help raise you up and boost your confidence. The negative people in your world will drag you down. Try and distance yourself from these people, so that you can break free from these “Dream Stealers.”

TIP #3:

ALWAYS be focused on the next big event. Every new person you sponsor should be required (your requirement) to purchase a ticket to the next major event. Duplicate this to your group and you will explode in growth.

TIP #4:

Develop loyal repeat customers by offering them fast, personal service. Also be sure to spend time to get everyone up-to-speed on how to use your web portal is key. Also be sure you promote the cashback program — it is the glue to developing a successful business.


Look for the RIGHT people and teach them what to do. Don’t exhaust yourself trying to convince people this is the right thing to do. Just SORT through all the people to find the interested ones, the ones who are open-minded, the ones who are looking for something. Let people lead to people, but don’t be casual about it. Put some URGENCY into it. Market America is a company on the move! We are building NOW.


Stay on top of new technology.  Everyone has to start at the beginning. Sure, it all seems so foreign and confusing. Just get started. Open a Facebook account, a Twitter account, learn to use ma Network. Don’t sit around feeling lost. TAKE ACTION. If you have questions on social media, ask people on your team that use it — or even corporate. You can email Christian Karasiewicz at with just about any questions you have about these areas.  Don’t just sit there, ask questions. That is the only way you’re going to learn how to do something.


Your success will be determined more by your expectation than your desires. If you truly believe in and accept your ultimate success as a given and as a function of time, you will be successful. It’s not a matter of whether or not you will be successful… it’s a matter of when. Don’t say “If I could I would”  say  “I can and I will!” Then just go do it.

If you would like to connect with Phil Guido, you can follow him on Twitter or  connect with him on Facebook.

Congratulations Phil and Sue Guido!
