Three Essential Boards for Every Professional’s Pinterest Account

Pinterest is one of the top social media networks around. With a fun, easy-to-use interface and an engaging focus on images, it’s no wonder why this tool has made such a splash. Using Pinterest to help grow a business, however, can be confusing. With that in mind, here are three must-have boards that can help your Pinterest account have a big impact on your business.

  • A Success Board. Pinterest is a great way to map out your goals – whether it’s a new car, a vacation, a new house, or something else entirely – in a visual format. This will help users with similar interests and goals find your account, and will get them talking about what they see! This creates engagement while reminding you just what you’re working toward.
  • A Board Themed to Your Business. While you never want to be too heavy-handed marketing your business on Pinterest, it is important that you devote time and attention to becoming a trusted source. By pinning articles and images relevant to your business specialty, you can help create a following of individuals interested in those topics. For example, if you’re a Motives® Consultant, pinning images of trendy new looks alongside looks you’ve created can help ensure that Pinterest users know you’re in touch with what’s hot.
  • A Shopping Board. Your business is about more than just Market America products. SHOP.COM is loaded with essential items you and your customers want and need. Go shopping! Pin your favorite items to a wish list board, or to a favorites board, to help give your friends and customers shopping ideas – and lead them back to your SHOP.COM site!

When you’re creating boards, it’s also important to consider what your board is called. Titles should be short and catchy, but clearly illustrate the board’s topic. When you’re pinning items, you should also consider search terms in the description tags. Use commonly searched terms to help ensure that your pins show up when users are searching Pinterest.

So, are you using Pinterest to help your business grow? What board do you pin to the most?
