Beauty & Personal Care

International Men’s Day

Happy International Men’s Day! When it comes to staying healthy, many men talk about fitness, eating right, and even nutritional supplementation. Men tend to show signs of aging later than women due to their skin being…

Beauty & Personal Care

National Healthy Skin Month

November is National Healthy Skin Month in America. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, so it’s safe to say that skin care is essential for overall health and wellness. In honor of Healthy…

Beauty & Personal Care

National Stress Awareness Day

On every first Wednesday of November, we nationally celebrate Stress Awareness Day. The purpose of this day is to remind you to stop stressing; especially over things that are out of your control! In fact, according…

Beauty & Personal Care

Halloween Skincare

It’s Halloween weekend! That means fun costumes and heavy makeup. No matter what time you are getting home from your spooky activities, you need to remove your makeup and continue with your skincare regimen. Here are…

Beauty & Personal Care

Fall Exfoliation Routine

Autumn is all about letting go. The trees let go of their leaves, and we need to let go of our dead skin. Summer may have left some damage on your skin because of sun exposure,…