Business Building, News

Does Google+ have Facebook’s Number?

After announcing a series of major changes aimed at making its user experience more emotional, you would think that Facebook would be celebrating its domination of the social media universe. Not so fast. Google+, the new…

Business Building, News

5 Questions with Dennis Franks

You won’t find anyone as passionate about Market America as Dennis Franks. As Executive Vice President of Market America, Dennis has traveled the world to help share his life story and help others find the success…

Business Building, News

5 Questions with Gloria Smith

Gloria Smith has been a key ingredient in the Market America mix for almost 12 years. As Assistant Warehouse Manager, you can find Gloria running around the warehouse, checking on the productivity of various workstations, sending…

Business Building, News

5 Questions with Jamie Schatz

In January 2011, Market America hired Jamie Schatz as Art Director for the creative services department. Jamie and Lynn Minikel jointly run a department of 42. From product labels to Powerline magazine if it’s been designed…

Business Building

5 Questions with Renee Stevens

“It’s a great day at Market America. How may I help you?” If you have called Market America, you’ve heard Renee Stevens’ voice. From behind her desk in the Market America lobby, Stevens has handled the…