Health & Nutrition, News

Omega-3 for Menopause Too!

There are a multitude of documented benefits for fish oil surrounding cardiovascular and cognitive health, but more recent findings suggest omega-3 fatty acids may also play a role in decreasing menopausal symptoms such as depression and…

Health & Nutrition

Supplements and your pet

A supplement is designed to be added to the diet on a regular basis to make up for any deficiencies, improve the overall health and vitality of pets or to aid in targeting a specific health…

Health & Nutrition

MA World Conference: The Day After

MA World Conference 2009 was my first event with Market America and I thought it was fabulous! I was so excited for our new Health and Nutrition products to be announced! The new product breakout on…

Events & Trainings, Health & Nutrition

Breakouts…packed out.

After a thriller day down at American Airlines Arena, I’m back at the host hotel stationed at sound control for the premier breakout of the weekend…Getting to Know Our Newest Products. Hosted by our awesome product…