Events & Trainings, Health & Nutrition

Product Knowledge Is Power

Now that International Convention has passed, what is the next step in success? Product Symposium 2008 Product knowledge is power. Product Symposium 2008 is a must for every serious MA UnFranchise Owner “majoring” in health/nutrition &…

Health & Nutrition

Slowing the Aging Process with Exercise

What exercise do you find yourself doing regularly? Weightlifting, swimming, jogging, pilates or yoga? Some sort of cardiovascular activity is great for anyone at any age. I stumbled across this article on WebMD and found it…

Health & Nutrition

Isotonix Prenatal Multi-vitamin!

One of the newest nutraMetrix® products is the nutraMetrix® Isotonix Prenatal Multi-Vitamin. This isotonic-capable supplement supplies the Recommended Daily Allowance of many key vitamins and nutrients needed for an expectant mother. Isotonix® superior delivery and rapid…

Health & Nutrition

Choosing a water filter for your home

Finding a water filtration system for your home can be a trying task. There are so many varieties available and each with a different price tag. There are only a few options available from whole-home filtration…

Health & Nutrition

Protect your Bones with Calcium

Many people try a lot of different supplements in their lifetime. It could just be a new fad that they saw on an infomercial early on a Sunday morning or a best friend who is raving…