Health & Nutrition

Women’s Health

Between the ages of 45 and 50, a woman can experience another significant change in her life. Hot flashes, irregular periods, sleep disturbances, increased appetite, mood swings, and decreased fertility are just some of the symptoms…

Health & Nutrition

Stay hydrated this summer with PureH2O

Summer is finally here, and it’s getting hotter (already 90 in Greensboro today)! Many of you are probably (hopefully) more active in the summer: going to the park, the pool, the beach… anywhere outside. It’s important…

Health & Nutrition

Healthy Summer Barbeque Tips

Summer barbeques and picnics can wreak havoc on your waistline. A typical summer barbeque includes beer or soda, hot dogs and burgers, chips, cole slaw, potato salad and at least one dessert. Even if you only…

Events & Trainings, Health & Nutrition

Experience Utopia

“Welcome aboard the Utopia…” It just has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? That’s what you will hear when you attend the Moving Up Seminars. It’s a unique opportunity that allows you to become more…