Events & Trainings, News

ma World Conference

Dear all ma friends: ma World Conference is coming soon! Are you ready to enjoy and experience the best opportunity to learn and charge up your knowledge at this spectacular weekend event, Feb 5-7th? Be sure…


Motives by Loren Ridinger in Life & Style

Be sure to check out the January 12th issue of Life & Style Weekly. There is a “Get Glam” by Loren Ridinger beauty kit available as part of the magazine’s monthly giveaway with a series of…

Beauty & Personal Care, News

Weight Loss for the New Year

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight. Considering that 68% of Americans are overweight or obese it seems like there are plenty of individuals that could benefit from that resolution. The…


Pamper your heart with CoQ10

CoQ10 has been known to be one of the most studied nutrients in heart health maintenance. It is a fat-soluble coenzyme and is an essential component in the action of enzymes. CoQ10 plays an integral role…


JR and Loren Ridinger on the Cover of Selecta Magazine

JR and Loren join Donald Trump, Daisy Fuentes, and Gloria Estefan as recent picks to grace the cover of the popular Hispanic publication Selecta Magazine. Complete with a four-page pictorial shot from the Ridingers’ Miami Beach…