
AVMA Top 10 List on Holiday Pet Health

The AVMA recently published its Top Ten List on holiday pet health. Keep table scraps out of your pet’s diet. Chocolate should be out of reach of dogs because it is poisonous. Avoid sweets. Give your…



Check out the video we’ve uploaded to YouTube that features Market America executive director Steve Ashley discussing Market America’s role with Make-A-Wish and the impact it has had on him personally. In addition to the work…


Calling All Lovebirds!

Market America has a huge impact on those involved in it.  If you’ve spent five minutes at a convention (or watch one of the videos, as I’ve done), you know the power and energy that this…


New Research Supporting Low Glycemic Eating for Diabetics

Just wanted to share some exciting news published in The Journal for Nurse Practitioners/American College of Nurse Practitioners, Vol. 4, Number 9, October 2008,, page 688 The article is entitled: Low-Glycemic Index Diets: Should They…