2010 Market America International Details

In just a few short weeks, the 2010 Market America International Convention will be taking place in Greensboro, North Carolina. This should turn-out to be the best International Convention yet in the history of the company.

2010 Market America World Conference

Not only will  attendees have the opportunity to learn about new products, services and enhancements to help grow your UnFranchise® business, but there will be a host of other surprises in-store for attendees.

Topics covered (*subject to change):

  • UnFranchise® Business Presentation: Bring your guests to evaluate Market America’s powerful business. We are doing the BLITZ tour presentation and Paid to Shop on Saturday.
  • Paid to Shop Program — Enhancements to the program, new Paid to be Online program.
  • Growing your customer base with ma Cashback.
  • Capitalizing on limited-time offers and increased ma Cashback.
  • Social networking strategies and how to use them.
  • The Power of Programming with audios; powerful tools to assist with growing your business to great heights.
  • Growing Your Business with Social Media: Now more than ever, social networking is your path to expanding your business and filling the bean jar with possibilities.
  • Doctor’s Panel.
  • The ABC Pattern of Recruiting and how to successfully recruit, sponsor and follow-up for unlimited success.
  • CRM follow-up program that guides, tracks and helps you cultivate possibilities and turn them into prospects.
  • Using ma Network to increase retailing opportunities.
  • Discover how Market America is taking the business to a new level using all the tools along with the Prime the Pump Challenge.
  • Learn about the brand-new advertising IBV bonus money and program (this will blow your mind).
  • ma Capital Resources™ and how to cut your debt in as little as half the time.
  • New web portal look and feel.
  • Using the ma Toolbar.
  • New auction site.
  • nutraMetrix Elite program.
  • Redesigned UnFranchise® business account
  • ma Widgets program along with banner sharing.
  • NBA Hall of Famer, Scottie Pippen will be in attendance to discuss a marketing opportunity with Market America.
  • And much more…

While these are just a few of the topics to be covered*, we want to know — which topics are you most looking forward to learning more about?
Leave a comment.
