2011 Market America Blitz Tour comes to a close

2011 Market America Biltz tour in Charlotte, North Carolina

What a month is has been – thousands of eager Market America UnFranchise owners came out to various stops throughout the United States to hear JR Ridinger speak about Market America and about the power of online shopping.  Not only is Market America poised for a billion dollar roll, but we’re also improving our cashback program and expanding rapidly as well.

Based on the volume of messages that we’ve received, everyone’s excited about the possibilities in 2011.  Did you attend one our the 2011 ma® Blitz Tour stops in Dallas, Phoenix, Pasadena, Portland, Minneapolis, Toronto, Boston, Long Island, Lancaster or Charlotte?

Leave us a comment, telling us what you took away from the event.

To view photo highlights from the 2011 ma® Blitz Tour, click here.
