2011 Market America Blitz Tour Highlights

Dennis Franks speaks at the 2011 Market America Blitz Tour

After a busy month of March, I’ve had a little time to relax and to look through the emails, tweets and messages that Market America UnFranchise® owners have sent in. I’m ecstatic over how many people are telling me about their experience with that billionth volt of electricity finally going off and how motivated and alive it makes them feel.

Others who attended one of the ten stops on the 2011 ma® Blitz Tour have sent over words of encouragement on how their business is growing at a rapid pace and how they are really starting to fill the funnel as a result of being at the Blitz Tour – this gets me really excited.

For those of you that made it to one of the stops on the tour, there are some great opportunities happening in the coming months to help you leverage what you’ve recently learned, which I hope you will continue to take advantage of.

If you were unable to make it to one of the tour stops, here is a two part series on the ma Blitz Tour, that provides highlights from some of the topics that were covered.

I hope you all are ready, because we’re red hot and rolling!

Keep growing. I believe in you.

