2014 Chinese Boot Camp: Event Recap

Last weekend’s Chinese Boot Camp in Las Vegas was nothing short of extraordinary! If you attended the event, you know firsthand how monumental it truly was. However, for those who didn’t make it this year, read on for a recap of the most memorable moments and photos from the event!

Day 1 kicked off with a rousing presentation from Kevin Buckman who shared an introduction to one-to-one market and field training. The rest of the morning consisted of presentations from many of our top Chinese-speaking field leaders about the importance of a goal statement and why your attitude is a huge factor in your overall success.

The audience was treated to several power profiles that day, which included UnFranchise Owners Sandra Liu, Larry Cao, Roger Wu, and Alice Chiou. Later that afternoon, we heard from Gen-Y entrepreneur Olivia Li about prospecting, recruiting and sponsoring, and Jane He shared how to prospect with a Motives overview.

But the excitement didn’t stop there! Day 2 began with a welcome message from Nina Hale, who then introduced Senior Executive Field Vice President Min Liu. Min Liu proceeded to wow the crowd with a presentation about training oneself to become an influential leader, rather than relying on others to do it for you. Stacy Tung, Taiwan’s very first Executive Field Vice President, also took the stage to share her advice for leveraging the training system to build and develop teams. Before breaking for lunch, the audience was treated to a few overviews of product lines like nutraMetrix™ and TLS®.

During the afternoon session, Amber Yang shared her tips for building a cohesive team that works together effectively, and Joanne Hsi took the stage to talk about duplicating the ABC Pattern. Min Chen spoke about breaking through the “bottleneck” and growing one’s business from “nil to mil.”

This year’s Chinese Boot Camp in Las Vegas was a smashing success – probably one of our biggest events yet! To see for yourself, check out the photos below.

For more information or photos from the event, search the hashtag #maevents on your favorite social media sites!

If you attended the 2014 Market America Chinese Boot Camp, we’d love to hear from you! What was the best part of your experience? Be sure to leave a comment below.
