5 Tips on Saving Money During International Convention

Are you coming to Market America International Convention 2013? If you plan on joining us in Greensboro, NC on August 8-11, we have put together five tips on how you can save some money while you’re in town! 

Shop Around. And start early. If you are getting here by plane, make sure you compare prices in travel sites like Expedia and Travelocity. Also, keep in mind that some airlines let you check in bags for free. Check the policies of each airline to see how much luggage you will be able to bring without spending extra cash!

Do Your Research. If you’re planning on renting a car, make sure you do your research. There are many car rentals that offer weekly coupons or a free upgrade. If you have rented a car before and are familiar with prices, take a look at Name Your Own Price with Priceline. It’s a great site where you name the price you want to pay and it will match you to the right company!

Use Group Discounts. They are everywhere! When traveling with a group, always ask what kind of group rates they offer. If you plan on staying at the host hotel for the conference, be sure to ask for the MA Group Rate for a good deal. You can also look into staying at other hotels in the area. Check out THIS PAGE for some recommendations.

Eat local. If you can, avoid breakfasts at the hotel. They are usually expensive and not as great as what you could get if you travel just a few blocks away. Try to find a local café! Not only will you be able to get a better deal, but you will get a taste of the local culture as well! If you don’t have the time to eat local, save even more money by packing your breakfast (energy bars and cereal, anyone?) and eating in your room before heading to the coliseum.

Check Social Media. Social media is a great way to hear about local and nationwide deals. Follow local businesses on Facebook or Twitter to see what kind of discounts they will be offering during the dates you will be there. You can also use location-based apps such as FourSquare and Facebook to unlock deals and save money on local restaurants.

These are just a few tips we could think of to help you save while you’re at Market America International Convention. Do you have any tricks or tips on how to save money when you’re traveling? We would love to know!
