Another Exciting Business Building Event in the UK!

For me, there’s no greater feeling than sharing a life-changing entrepreneurial opportunity with hard working people around the world. Next week, on December 18th I’ll have that opportunity as Andrew Weissman and I will be in London for a very special business presentation.


We’ll be sharing the incredible UnFranchise® Business Plan, along with a complete overview of Market United Kingdom and our cutting edge SHOP.COM website. This is an amazing opportunity to learn more about a proven business system that has helped fulfill the financial dreams of thousands of people around the world!

Don’t miss this great business building meeting next Tuesday in London! Here are the details:

UnFranchise Business Presentation – December 18, 2012  7:30PM – 9 PM

Guest Speakers: JR Ridinger, CEO and President of Market America and Andrew Weissman,  Executive Director of Field Development

Location: Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel 35 Charles Street, Mayfair, London W1J 5EB UK – Charles Suite

Bring your guests to learn about the Market United Kingdom UnFranchise® Business Opportunity, and cutting edge technology behind the SHOP.COM website and proven UnFranchise® Business.
