Article in 100 Thousand Club Featuring Market America and Motives by Loren Ridinger

There’s an excellent new article in this month’s 100 Thousand Club about Market America and the new Motives by Loren Ridinger cosmetics line. Click here to read the article.

Catching up with Loren just prior to ma World Conference, you’ll notice after reading the article that the writer clearly understood the power behind Market America’s UnFranchise System. In a time when there is so much negative business news, she grasped fully that Market America is continuing to expand and grow its business for over 180,000 Customer Managers through strategic partnerships and revolutionary new products, while allowing Customer Managers to work at their own pace.

The article also offers a detailed glimpse at the behind the scenes work Loren did to create the new Motives line, which as the writer points out “has everyone talking.” Sometimes grueling, but mostly fun, Loren explains the processes she used to pick out the new products, formulas, and packaging for Motives.

Motives by Loren Ridinger and Market America have enjoyed lots of great press lately, but this is as powerful an article as any business could hope for.
