Changing the Face of Health Care with nutraMetrix®

Health care is a hot topic these days. As regulations and requirements change in the healthcare industry, healthcare practitioners are struggling to keep up with skyrocketing expenses. Profits are shrinking, and that’s cutting into the amount of time that doctors can spend with patients in need. Patients are also looking for wellness solutions, but frequently can’t get the answers they need from overworked healthcare professionals. With the nutraMetrix program, Market America has tackled the issues revolving around health care head on.

By combining a financial business plan with a way to provide quality wellness solutions to patients, nutraMetrix is helping to solve the problems in today’s healthcare system. Since its inception, nutraMetrix has experienced exponential growth. Director of nutraMetrix Brandi Murphy took the stage to share the benefits of nutraMetrix with the crowd gathered at International Convention. Tools like the HP1 program, weekly webinars, and HP product implementation trainings are helping nutraMetrix Consultants (NCs) and healthcare professionals make the most of the program.

More healthcare professionals are seeing their peers experience success through nutraMetrix. Because of the trainings offered through Market America,­ NCs are succeeding at a higher level than ever before, and are helping more healthcare professionals than ever. To help this program grow even more, nutraMetrix has created a “reorder reminder” system that lets patients to opt into receiving reminders to reorder their products. Exclusive new products, such as Red Yeast Rice, are offered only through nutraMetrix, allowing healthcare professionals to provide even more comprehensive solutions to their patients.

Soon, healthcare professionals will also be able to offer a personal phone-based reorder solution as well, where doctors can choose to utilize a call center to contact patients and have reorders placed for each patient upon request.

A brand-new business model is on the way, and will be covered in depth at the nutraMetrix breakout session this Saturday. Market America’s innovative healthcare solution is constantly evolving to stay on the cutting edge, and 2012 International Convention is the place to discover the latest and greatest this program has to offer.