Chinese Boot Camp 2008

We just got back from Chinese Boot Camp in Las Vegas and must share with all of you that it was a spectacular event! The excitement and energy of the attendees was incredible!

SO many leaders put a lot of effort into making this one of the best boot camps ever! There were 37 speakers throughout the weekend that each worked hard to create an effective and exciting presentation for the event. There were over 50 volunteers throughout the weekend that helped with logistics like registration, handing out surveys and monitoring doors.
There were 12 very busy leaders on the planning committee, many of whom participated in conference calls at all hours of the night while traveling to Hong Kong and Taiwan, to make sure that this event was the best boot camp ever! There were two very committed gentlemen that volunteered to help with the production of the event for the entire two days.
We want to say thank you to all of you that worked hard to make this event such a success! It would NOT have happened without you!!
Thank you! 謝謝