Don’t Miss Out! National Conference Call with Jim Winkler on Sunday, March 24, 2013

This Sunday, Market America is offering an opportunity to help your business grow that you don’t want to miss – a National Conference Call with Vice President of Sales, Jim Winkler!! Are you ready to call in?

National Conference Calls are your opportunity to get the best tips from the top and hear from successful distributors with the tools and experience you need to build your business! So don’t miss out and make sure you call in this Sunday!

“Join Jim Winkler, Vice President of Sales and get the insight of what’s happening in the next 45 days that could make ALL the difference in your Unfranchise® business for the rest of 2013, even the rest of your life!  This is the call that you need to have everyone in your organization to listen in ‘LIVE’ and have every qualified prospect on this conference call and catch the insights and direction of  SHOP.COM for the next 45 days.  2013 is the year for you to set the scene, get lean and build a team that will change the course of your financial direction. Listening to this powerful and urgent nationwide conference call will be a night to remember, with the successful tips and wisdom from Jim Winkler that is truly a solid builder of the Unfranchise system and a committed leader.


Sunday – March 24, 2013, 8:30 pm ET

Conference call number: 1-212-461-5860 Pin 1314 #

National Conference Calls are great opportunities to help leverage the enthusiasm and knowledge to help you grow your business. Calling in is free, and couldn’t be easier! Don’t miss out!

What do you hope to hear from Jim this Sunday?

*The examples of income shown for each of the Independent Distributors featured in promotion are not intended to be representative of the earnings of any specific class of Market America Independent Distributors, nor are they intended to represent that any given Independent Distributor will earn income in that amount. Rather, the income figures testify to the results which have been accomplished by Independent Distributors who have devoted time, talent, hard work, and a willingness to follow the UnFranchise® proven business plan in building their Market America Businesses. The success of any Market America Independent Distributor will depend upon the amount of hard work, talent and dedication which he or she devotes to the building of his or her Market America business.

