ED Confidential – An Insider’s View of Market America

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my year as editor of Powerline, it’s that there’s a certain “magic” about Market America.

Ok, so at first thought that statement might sound a little biased, seeing as how they sort of sign my paychecks every month. But that is precisely my point – they don’t even have to pay me to get excited about this place! Never before have I worked for a company where each and every individual under the roof believes so strongly in what they’re doing. And I have the best job of all… passing the word on to members of the field.

If you think the crowd gets excited when new products and services are announced at our events, you can’t even imagine the level of anticipation I experience. Almost every day I receive emails and briefings about some new mind-blowing venture Market America is making a reality. If it’s not some cutting-edge new product, it’s a new service or an exclusive partnership.

Seriously, can you fathom what it’s like to look up from your desk one day and see the Duchess of York standing 5 ft away? Or to hear someone on a phone call “talking shop” with the incomparable Kimora Lee – goddess of all things fashion and entrepreneurial alike – as if it were as normal as calling mom on a Sunday afternoon? Perfect example of how this place turns dreams into a reality. I often think that nothing within the potential of my imagination is out of reach here. If I’ve so much as dreamed about it, chances are there’s somebody within the company that’s already making it happen.

The shared, genuine belief in what we do here makes it all possible. It’s why everybody from CEOs and celebrities, to working moms and day laborers stand still and listen when JR speaks. They all know that it’s the voice of unfettered opportunity calling, and they know it knocks at the door of this humble Greensboro building like clockwork. If you can dream it, it can be brought to fruition within these walls!
