Events 411

Wow! What an amazing Leadership School! As always, the corporate team pulled together and the outcome was tremendous! For those of you who were not fortunate enough to be there, there are audio downloads available on Of course this doesn’t begin to compare to being there yourself so don’t miss out on the event experience; get your International Convention tickets now while they are still available!

Continuing with the momentum from Leadership School, we are getting really excited about the spring Regional Conventions that are right around the corner. We are busy working with the planning committees in Regions 6, 3 and 7 to bring customized events to these areas. Dennis and Kevin are working with our multi-media team as we speak to develop a detailed agenda for each event, focusing on the topics and products that each region specifically requested. The Regional Challenges are a great opportunity to push yourself in your business and put you right on track to successfully complete the International Convention Challenges.

Check out the ma events website where you can find specific information on each Regional Convention and download the challenges.

We hope to see you at the next Regional Convention!
