Fat Joe: Market America’s President of Urban and Latino Development

Anyone who attending the 2014 Market America World Conference knows the incredible passion and drive for helping others that Fat Joe possesses. When you couple that with his street cred and unmatched work ethic, you’ve got yourself one incredible entrepreneur. That’s why I feel Fat Joe will make an incredible addition to our corporate team as our President of Urban and Latino Development!

If Fat Joe isn’t the Urban/Latino JR – then I don’t know who is! Everyone of
the corporate team agrees, and welcomes you with open arms. We embrace you as our brother, and together we are going to change the world with the UnFranchise Business. I couldn’t have been more proud watching Fat Joe own the stage at MAWC2104, as he made a huge impact on everyone who was fortunate enough to hear him speak.

Many UFO’s got back on the Invisible Train as you helped spark that billionth of a volt like I did in the beginning and work at passionately at doing so all the time. There is a huge buzz going on right now around the world, with people excited to learn more about Market America and the UnFranchise Business. People want to know what it is, and how they can get involved in this incredible entrepreneurial opportunity – and much of that is due to all the incredible press we’ve received with Fat Joe on board.

Thanks to Fat Joe, the Market America and the UnFranchise Business will no longer be the best kept secret!!! When we have 10 Urban/Latino UnFranchise Owners as members of the Million Dollar Club like Elizabeth Weber and Joanne His – then it’s all over! We will change the world! Thank you for your belief and passion and for helping us share this opportunity with the world. We believe in you ! This is a longtime dream to come true for me to be able to teach the people who deserve and need this life-changing business!

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger

