Field Vice Presidents Share Secrets for Success

With no prior experience, Emily Cheng and Te-Ling Chu, Field Vice Presidents, were able to match their dual six-figure incomes through the Market America plan. Emily was able to quit her job to spend time with her children, and while TK has continued his engineering career because he enjoys it—it’s a vocation, not an occupation. “It’s great satisfaction to know that I can change my course if I want to,” he says. They shared their tips for success:

Be coachable—to learn to take on all the various roles a Market America UFO holds.

Follow up—with your customers, your prospects, and your team members. It was someone’s follow-up that got them involved, and their follow-up has brought in many more.

Be persistent—they’re received plenty of rejection, plenty of resistance, but they’re a living example of the fact that the system works.

Be positive—focus on taking action. Within 24 hours of giving birth to her 2nd child, she hosted a meeting.

Don’t be a problem creator—be a creative problem solver. Take on new challenges and figure out how to overcome them.