Five Ways to Stay Healthy this St. Patrick’s Day

Happy (almost) St. Patrick’s Day! Whether you are Irish, Catholic, all or none of the above, St. Patrick’s Day gives the world a reason to cut loose and celebrate life. If you are still firm on your New Year’s Resolutions to stay healthy, a big holiday might seem more like an ominous cloud looming over you rather than a good time.

No need to be scared of a little festivity! We have five easy ways for you to celebrate the day without derailing your progress.


Find a local pub run! Several cities hold St. Patrick’s Day races that revolve around St. Patrick’s Day drinking traditions. Even if you are not an avid runner (or drinker), you can still sign up! Most races and holiday events welcome walkers. Search in your area for local races, grabs some friends, and make a day of it!

Don’t order the special. Irish menu staples are delicious, no doubt about it! What makes them so yummy, though? Fat and calories, of course! Many St. Patty’s Day specials will be loaded with starchy carbs and sticky fats, so look for menu option with fewer consequences for your diet. Get the Irish Stew instead of the Shepard’s Pie, or order cabbage instead of potatoes. Give the menu a thorough assessment for healthy Irish alternatives before you sabotage your diet.

Drink Green Juice, not Green Beer. Celebrate green by celebrating you! Green juice could not make your body any happier, loaded with fruits and veggies and all the right nutrients to supplement a balanced diet. Many health stores will likely have specials and if they don’t, you can find several recipes online. If drinking beer is important to you, then go ahead and have a Guinness. According to research, antioxidants in Guinness beer may have benefits on heart health. The research only recommends one serving, however!

Take advantage of bad timing. St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Sunday. If you have yet to do the math, that means the next day will be Monday morning! This gives you a great excuse to avoid overindulging or partying too hard. Celebrate the best way you can by treating your body kindly and calling it a night at the appropriate hour. Holding yourself to these standards could save you damage control at work the next morning.

Dance! The Irish love to dance, so kick off your shoes and join them! Find a parade, festival, or pub that will be playing music and join the fun. Don’t worry about looking silly because chances are you, will be in a crowd full of people that do not practice Irish dance regularly. St. Patrick’s Day gives you the perfect opportunity to celebrate, have fun, and burn some extra calories!

Do you have St. Patrick’s Day plans yet? Tell us what they are in the comments below! As always, stay safe and healthy and be responsible!
