MAIC 2012: Don’t Leave Home Without These Essentials

International Convention is right around the corner! On August 9-11, master builders from UnFranchise® Businesses across the nation and the ma® Corporate Team will be in Greensboro, North Carolina. Are you ready?

Whether this is your first International Convention or you’re a veteran, there are several key items you should pack to ensure your experience is a smooth success. Business cards – Networking is a huge part of the UnFranchise Business. Be sure to bring business cards to make connections with other UnFranchise Owners. You never know who you might meet at International Convention and where that connection could take your business. If you are running low on business cards—or don’t have any professional cards—order them now!

Pens/highlighter – Don’t miss important tips and information from JR and the Corporate Team because your pen ran out of ink! To avoid this dilemma, buy a fresh pack of pens (and highlighters) to bring with you. And who knows, maybe the person sitting next to you runs out of ink. A borrowed pen could lead to a valuable business connection!

Notebook – A large Legal Pad (size 8.5 x 11 in.) is a great way tool for taking notes. The size allows you to take lengthy notes while the usability (flipping the page over the top instead of to the left) allows you to easily and quickly go to a new page. Bring a new, unused pad to International Convention and label the top of the pad witheach topic or breakout session title; this will help with organization and enable you to easily refer back to your notes.

Smart phone/iPad – As you know, social media plays a huge role in Market America. To stay tuned to all the updates by following the Market America Facebook posts and tweets, and join the conversation by watching and using the hashtag #MAIC2012.

Business casual attire – You never know who you might meet at International Convention, and a good first impression is key! Dress the part of a business professional—no jeans or tennis shoes. Remember, this is your professional business, and if you want to be taken seriously, show others you take them seriously too by putting an emphasis on looking professional.

Your smiling face—We can’t wait to see you on August 9-11 at the Greensboro Coliseum Complex in Greensboro, NC!
