Go Global or Go Home During Morning Session of MAIC Day 2

Welcome back to MAIC2013 for Day two! What a HUGE morning! In case you were enjoying the booths on the concourse or in line buying tickets to World Conference 2014, here’s a recap of what you may have missed this morning!

UnFranchise Mobile & SHOP.COM Mobile Site

Internet Retailer named Market America and SHOP.COM mobile-commerce sites as the 55th largest and best across the spectrum of internet retailers…  an incredible 150 spot improvement from 2012! Steve Ashley and Kevin Curly took the stage this morning to share groundbreaking mobile developments.

Thanks to the hard work of the mobile team, UnFranchise Mobile is now available in English, Chinese, and Spanish. You also now have the ability to submit Form 1000 at any place, any time! For the first time ever, UnFranchise Mobile will be available for Hong Kong at the end of October and Australia and the UK at the end of the year!

In addition to an updated UnFranchise Mobile site, the mobile team created the ma Event Mobile Companion, an event tool that includes agendas, maps, information section for travel arrangements, and news, integrating a Twitter feed so that anyone can be involved and informed.

Steve and Kevin gave the crowd an exclusive sneak preview to the newest developments expected from the mobile team within the next few months: a Join Now/Sign Up Wizard on UnFranchise Mobile and a brand new SHOP.COM mobile website that mimics the desktop interface with product detail page and product comparison. These developments are huge and will change the way you take your business mobile!

GLOBAL.SHOP.COM & Emerging Markets Program

“We are a NEW international company!” –Marc Ashley

Marc Ashley brought the entire arena to their feet with incredible news regarding the hugely successfully Emerging Markets Program and GLOBAL.SHOP.COM.

GLOBAL.SHOP.COM allows people from all over the world to buy Market America products even if they are not available in their country… and every distributor has access to a GLOBAL.SHOP.COM portal! In just over 3 months since the initial launch, GLOBAL.SHOP.COM has shipped to 30 countries all over the world including Nigeria, Jamaica, and Paraguay! Also, for the first time in 21 years, GLOBAL.SHOP.COM will soon enable shipping to Quebec!

Not only can any country order any product with GLOBAL.SHOP.COM, but any products that are shipped in the EU over 30 pounds enjoys free shipping! All BV and referral bonuses for purchases are credited to your home country.

The EMP is a simple, streamlined process for opening markets in countries outside of your home country, allowing you to earn commissions and BV. GLOBAL.SHOP.COM and the EMP catapult the way you can grow your business. If you’re not global today, you’ll want to get global now!

JR Ridinger: MPCP Global Unification

JR expanded on the vast developments in global expansion with a dynamic presentation on how implementing Global Unification through MPCP can help strengthen your assets and grow your business.

“What if everyone in your group could build reentry to earn another weekly check and also have it count for the weak side of one of your BDC’s to earn twice the same volume?!”

Implementation of MPCP allows for four international expansion components: regional unification, the use of GLOBAL.SHOP.COM, global unification of regions, and EMPs. MCPC is a process that works in both directions. As a leg in America builds, a leg in Europe grows, and vice versa. With MPCP, the same line can expand globally with two different BV banks so your leg can earn substantial BV without maxing out. Choosing not to grow globally and apply MPCP could be the difference between a  three figure income and six figure income in a short amount of time! Global Unification of MPCP means cross pollinating across regions, building legs, using IRCs and URGs to accumulate BV and build a strong line with the potential to earn double or even triple the income they are currently making it. It’s a must for your business!

The process is detailed and and certainly takes a lot of effort, but we have additional resources for you! To learn more and get started, go to the Fundamentals breakout Sunday morning at 11 am in the Special Events Center- West Wing B1.

That was one jam packed morning, but so much more is ahead of us for the afternoon! Don’t forget to check out the booths on the concourse and get your tickets to Market America World Conference to score some free new product samples!
