Go Green with Products for Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day! Though April 22nd has become a celebration of Mother Earth, you should be paying extra attention to the Earth every day! You live on Earth. Your food comes from Earth. Everything you touch, use, and need, from your phone to your tennis shoes, comes from a natural resources. The air you breathe is provided by the plants that grow from the Earth. It’s the only planet we get!

As the driving life force for everything we need and do, the Earth is our most valuable resource. We’re taking advantage of today’s Earth Day celebrations to show you what products you can use in your home that are Earth-friendly!

Global Care: Today is the number one day to go green. Get outside and plant something, or draft your dream landscape or patio garden. With so many harmful and questionable lawn care products on the market, choosing wisely will spare you from chemicals dangerous for both you and the Earth. Global Care is Market America’s specialized outdoor system with eco-friendliness in mind. Global Care products include “natural, environmentally-friendly products formulated with powerful enzymes to treat your lawn, garden, pool, spa, drains and septic systems.”

Snap: We trust Snap to keep our homes clean and our clothes bright… and for so much more! Each product line is crafted to perfection, and Snap lives up to its reputation. Creating a home cleaning system would fail completely if not created with eco-friendliness in mind. Snap products are formulated with phosphate-free, biodegradable, plant-based ingredients and are bottled in recyclable plastic.

PureH2O: More than 70% of the Earth is covered in water. The human body is made up of between 50-60% water. A person can survive only three days without fluids. Have we made our point that water is important? PureH2O™ Countertop Water Filter uses proprietary dual filter system to produce clean water from pipelined tap water. Drinking one gallon of PureH2O filtered tap water will save you 98% of bottled water costs. PureH20 delivers the life force you need without damaging your pockets or the environment.

We only get one Earth and one life to take care of it. Shop, use, and sell eco-friendly products and contribute to a better Earth while you earn BV, IBV, and Cashback! How are you celebrating today? Tell us in the comments below!
