Greetings from the Events Department!

October is here and our Region 8 Convention in Oakland, California is this weekend! Dennis Franks and Andrew Weissman are both very excited, along with Todd Laire, Laura Laire, Jeremy Fennema, and Luzby Hernandez who will also be in attendance. The Region 8 Planning Committee and Local Coordinators did a fantastic job of spreading the word to people in their area, and as a result, we are expecting record attendance! We will start the weekend off on Friday night with a Second Look, where guests are welcome to come. Throughout the weekend Dennis, Andrew, and many Field Leaders will be speaking on topics such as goals, retailing, prospecting/sponsoring, time management, follow-up/ABC pattern, how to implement the 90-day fast track, the logic behind recruiting, new products, MA Rewards ….and the list goes on. We will also be holding a Challenge Reception to recognize 33 Region 8 Challenge Winners who successfully completed this year’s challenges. You can view the Region 8 website to see the guidelines of these challenges and all other event details by visiting . We are very excited about traveling to Oakland and are looking forward to seeing the faces of those who make Market America so great!

If you have not purchased your Region 8 tickets yet, tickets will be available on-site. You do not want to miss this event!!
