Growing Bigger, Better, Faster and Easier with Mobile Technology

Steve Ashley captivated the audience at International Convention by sharing one of his greatest passions – mobile technology. As one of the leading Internet retailers, Market America/SHOP.COM has not neglected this growing marketplace. In May of 2012, Market America released SHOP Mobile – an essential update to the ma Mobile app. Over 60,000 current users were able to access the newest application by simply enabling an update.

With improved server and bandwidth capacity, SHOP Mobile and Market America’s mobile-enabled sites are able to handle the over 80,000 visitors and over $100,000 in mobile sales that are processed every month.

Easy-to-use tools like the barcode scanner make it simple for shoppers to find the best deals for products they use on SHOP.COM. Custom Deal Notifications ensure that customers will never miss another deal from their favorite stores. Find out more about the SHOP Mobile barcode scanner by clicking here, and the Custom Deal Notifications by clicking here.

With upcoming innovations like a product reminder feature – which will allow shoppers to save products and receive automatic notifications when that product becomes available – SHOP Mobile is situated to dominate the mobile marketplace. As Market America grows globally, a worldwide-enabled application update is underway that will consolidate every shopper’s experience into one simple app. All users will need to do is choose their country, and the app will be localized to their country’s available products and language.

In this year’s Internet Retailer spread on mobile shopping and growth, Market America and SHOP.COM were featured alongside HSN and Dell. As a mobile company, Market America is up 275% in web traffic, and over 400% as it relates in sales, and that is only the beginning.

“This is where the future is going,” Steve shared with the 25,000-strong International Convention audience. Market America is ready to take advantage of this powerful market, and the technology is growing every day.
