Growing Fast, Growing Strong in the UK

Earlier this week, we shared a few upcoming events on the Market United Kingdom roster. This lucrative market is really going full steam ahead to grow with SHOP.COM and the UnFranchise Business System. On October 25, Dennis Franks took center stage to help present the Two- to Three-Year Plan to prospective business partners in London.

Known as “Mr. Energy,” Vice President Dennis Franks is a master presenter when it comes to the business plan. His enthusiasm and expertise make him uniquely qualified to generate momentum everywhere he goes. London was eager to see what he had to share, and this event gathered numerous Shop Consultants and prospects.

Sharing between the United Kingdom’s market and the United States’ is at an all-time high. Together, we’re creating shared forward momentum that will capitalize on the upcoming holiday shopping season. This is the perfect time to start growing your business across the ocean. Not only are the busiest shopping days of the year coming up, but Market America is continuing to send the best in the business over to help grow your business for you!

Leverage their efforts and make sure that you’re getting your contacts and prospects from the UK to these events. These presentations are the right place for your prospective business partners to be – whether or not you can attend. Now is the right time, and the UK is the right place! For more information on upcoming gatherings, trainings, seminars and events, visit

Tell us – what’s your best memory from a UBP?
