Guest Blogger Rick Hannon Invites You to Join Him at MAIC 2014

Posted on behalf of guest blogger and Market America Director Rick Hannon.

When I first started my UnFranchise Business, the best piece of advice I ever received was from JR. He said, “Get as many new people and UnFranchise Owners as possible to the corporate events,” and I knew he was right. Even though this was during Market America’s early years, I had worked with JR before I joined Market America and knew that he was a truly powerful speaker who was immensely passionate about this business.First, I had to decide how many of my potential “Go Now” prospects and business partners I wanted to bring with me to the next corporate event. I wanted my new, developing group of business partners to attend the event so that they could experience it firsthand. I didn’t have a big checkbook to cover ticket cost for all the people I wanted to bring, so I had to recruit as many people as possible purchase tickets so that I could buy more for my group. It was hard, but it was something I knew I needed to do.

The hardest thing for us to do as leaders is instill belief in people. Why? Because the people on your team know you, and to them you’re no one special. Even if you’re making a solid income, they usually think you are just gifted and have more contacts or better influence over people. Or, maybe they don’t believe enough in their own God-given abilities to succeed in this business. This is why it’s so important to get your business partners to an event; they’ll be able to see the corporate presentations and feel the energy in the room for themselves. They’ll begin to understand the business model and how powerful of an opportunity this truly is. They’ll see that there are so many types of people from different backgrounds and all walks of life that are succeeding like crazy at this, and it will start to make sense to them. It’s at that point that something happens; a seed of belief sprouts and begins to grow a deep sense of certainty, that yes, they can do this.

JR taught me a long time ago that our most important product is belief. Allow me to address this: yes, we have many great products we market to the consumer, and a large number of UnFranchise Owners first came into the business after trying and liking a product. That is good, no argument there, however; the real product an UnFranchise Owner absolutely must have is belief in themselves. They must believe that they have enough God-given talent to accomplish the task of building their business and being a leader.

When an individual attends International Convention or World Conference and watches the stage presenters and listens to the messages of our business leaders for three days straight, their thinking and belief will begin to change. By the end of the event, they will have completely transformed into someone who gets up out of their chair, looks themselves in the eye and says, “That’s it you negative-thinker! You’re dead now, so get out of my way. I am new person with belief in myself! I know I have what it takes to be successful; I had it all along, buried deep down, but I didn’t know it. God Bless Market America.”

Before someone like this attends an event like International Convention, it’s just a dream that doesn’t seem real to them. But when they leave the event, they go home and they are ready to build. Because now they have the missing ingredient they needed – whether it was their own lack of belief in the company, the business concept or themselves. Now they are convinced that in spite of their circumstances and challenges, they have more than enough belief to succeed. Amen, mission accomplished!

See you at MAIC 2014!


– Rick Hannon

