Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Market America Family:

Well Thanksgiving is already here which marks a special time of year and the beginning of the Holiday season. I just wanted to take a minute to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. It is a time to count our blessings and we truly have been blessed. I believe that even in these turbulent economic times we will continue to prosper and grow because we offer solutions and are not over leveraged or financially stressed. Although we may tighten our belt as a precaution, we will continue to expand and grow. While others run scared, we continue to seek the opportunities created from the reshuffling of the economic cards.

I want you to know that our greatest strength is in our team and people working together. We have been together for a long time and have survived almost every kind of adversity. I am thankful that we have each other and such a strong team. We may not say it every day or enough, but when it come right down to it we are strong because of our belief in each other and what we are doing. There is a very rare and special bond between the company and field leadership to the point that we are one team with one dream. Our interest are aligned and we have a special trust and belief in each other. You are part of the team that makes it happen. We are vigilant in protecting that respect, trust and belief that we have in each other, as it is esoteric and we are quick to eliminate anyone or anything that erodes that trust and belief! So let’s give thanks together for what we have and what we have created together. I believe the best is yet to come. This holiday season will be an exciting one as we move towards Christmas and Hanukah — let us rejoice! Loren and I want to thank each and every one of you for all that you do and personally wish you and your family a happy thanksgiving and a wonderful Holiday season.

We believe that so much of what we have been working on over the past 5 years will come to fruition and become a reality this year. Ironically the timing couldn’t be better as there is a real need and opportunity for what we are doing out there. In a way, I feel like we have been climbing mount Everest. At times it seemed like we bit off more than we could “chew” or climb, but now the summit is in sight and the adrenalin is pumping. We have the opportunity to change the way people shop and provide an economic salvation through an entrepreneurial opportunity to overcome economic instability as well as achieve financial independence. The timing couldn’t be better! The country and world needs Market America. We can make it happen. If change is what people want — that is what we are all about! This year will be marked by so many concepts becoming realities.

The ULT will be a peek into what will happen this year and at World Conference as well as arming you with the knowledge , answers and understanding to your organizations. The World Conference will be a beacon light for thousands in troubled economic times. We are reaching out with real solutions.

So much of what we talked about will become a reality and functional to the point that it drives your business to new levels. Let me just give you a glimpse or hint of what is becoming a reality this year:
·That includes search engines that really work the best to find what you or the customer wants, compare it to everything out there (comparison shopping) and consider recommendations and feedback by other customers
·A customer experience that is second to none with customer incentives and programs that attract and keep customers,
·The Universal Shopping Cart finally being populated and real time IBV
·MA MY World and Chatterbox being complete and driving business to your UnFranchise and Portal
·A new major in MA University on internet shopping and marketing taught by Loren Ridinger and Steve Ashley
·Digital publishing driving prospects and customers to your portal and business
·A program funded by advertising and international internet sales from around the world (another new program) that will pay you and your partners for being on line and getting people using the portal and it will also pay customers to shop
·A merger of the sales team, NMTSS, and training with a reorganization of the NMTSS and the University Programs to grow the business in the field like has never happened before
·The renaissance of Motives to be unveiled
·A digital library of audios and a structured curriculum of listening to educate, empower, inspire, and create duplication that every distributor and UFO will have access to and be taught to use step by step. This is as at least as powerful as the NMTSS.
·Unprecedented publicity and media focus on Market America as a paradigm and brand emerging as the solution. Brand building of each University Major and Product Line
·More new revolutionary products and services for which people beat the door down.,
·And much, much more —you just have to come to World Conference in Miami as it is too much to list here!

So it is time to take time and pause with your families to give thanks tomorrow and catch your breath for an exciting sprint to the holidays in December to the new year that will be the year that it all comes together to make the vision and dream a reality for Market America and its UFOs and customers. Let’s give thanks, rejoice, be grateful, show gratitude and make it happen!

Again, thanks for being in our lives and believing in an incredible vision. God bless you , your family and Market America. All I can say is THANKS, keep growing, and I believe in you!

JR and Loren Ridinger and the entire Corporate Team
