How to use QR Codes at ma World Conference

At our upcoming 2011 ma® World Conference, we’re planning a push into using QR Codes. If you’re unfamiliar with QR Codes, QR Codes are similar to barcodes — they are a code that can be scanned using your smartphone, which then directs you to a website, a photo, a PDF, etc…

In anticipation, I’ve created a few how to videos to help get you started with using QR Codes prior to ma World Conference.  Please take a moment and watch the video for your respective smartphone. I’ve also included a sample QR Code for you to practice with beforehand, which takes you to our upcoming Valentine’s Day specials from Market America when scanned.

QR Codes for Apple iPhone/iPod Touch with camera:


QR Codes for Android:


QR Codes for Blackberry:


Sample QR Code:

Sample QR Code: Valentine's Day Specials
Sample QR Code: Valentine's Day Specials

Note: If you’re using another type of smartphone not listed or have questions on using QR Codes, please don’t hesitate to email me with questions.


Christian Karasiewicz (@ckroks)

Social Media and Internet Marketing Manager

Market America, Inc.
