Internet Marketing Conference Call for the Holidays

Good evening, and what an extraordinary evening it was. The scheduled National Conference Call with Senior Vice President Loren Ridinger and myself was totally maxed out at 1000+ lines. We apologize for the inconvenience. In fact, the lines were so maxed out before the 9:30pm start time, we could not get in to the host conference line to start on time. Loren finally was able to get through when Sam Pitts got through and three-way called Loren into the conference for a short 15 minute presentation. Sad to say, I could not get through.

The good news is, so many business partners were anxious to learn more about how to increase their Internet sales, and how to be effective Internet Marketers. In fact, we received many text messages as well as calls from people trying to get on the conference call – just as we tried to get onto the call ourselves.

Our current plan is to organize another National Conference Call for Wednesday night, November 23rd, with additional lines so we can complete the Internet Marketing Conference call as planned with Loren and myself. We will provide additional information as soon as we can confirm the call numbers. Stay tuned for an update via your e-newsletter, emails, texts, voice mail, and social media. As always, thank you for your support.

-Dennis Franks
