Internet Marketing Tips – Sharing Photos

By now, you’ve probably accumulated hundreds of photos whether at a Market America International Convention, Moving-Up Seminars, vacations and more. You’re probably left scratching your head, as to what you should do with all of the great photos that you took.

Rather than let your photos (and presumably your memory cards) collect dust, why not put them online! There are a number of online photo-sharing sites to help you do this. I personally recommend using Flickrfor the following reasons…

  • Integrates with other social networking sites like ma Chatterbox and Facebook.
  • There’s a great light-weight uploader to help you post photos quickly.
  • It helps drive more traffic to your site!

So how do you do this?

  1. Visit Flickr and sign-up for an account (using your business name)
  2. Download the Flickr Uploader
  3. Drag your photos onto the Flickr Uploader and add in a description and link to your web portal, as well as tags (like who is in the photo, your business name, your portal address, etc…)

Once you’ve put all of your photos online with appropriate tags and descriptions, you can organize them by event, year or however you like.

You’re probably wondering why you should include descriptions, tags and website links in your photos. The great thing about including this information is that it will help expose your website to others and drive traffic back to your site!

Here’s an example of Market America’s own Flickr photostream!

Anyone with questions on doing this, send an email to and include “Using Flickr” in the subject line.

Your Internet Marketing Manager
