Introducing the Official 2012 Market America World Conference Hashtag!

Tweeting about World Conference?! If you’re an avid Twitter user and can’t stop tweeting about the exciting things going on at the Market America World Conference, then make sure you’re a part of the conversation by using the official Twitter hashtag: #MAWC2012.

Enhance your social media experience by using the official Twitter hashtag to share thoughts and photos from the conference floor, breakout sessions and after parties. It’s a great way to link-up with fellow conference-goers and to connect with new friends as well!

Never used a Twitter hashtag before? No problem, it’s simple: just add a pound sign (#) to the acronym MAWC2012 (#MAWC2012) and you’re all set! Remember you’ve only got 140 characters per Tweet, so make sure you leave enough space to add the Twitter hashtag.

Being a part of the social shopping revolution has never been this much fun! Join the conversation today!
