Join Al Yentsch for a National Conference Call this Sunday Night!


Join Big Al Yentsch, Director, Million Dollar Club achiever and Advisory Council member, and special guests along with all of your Team and qualified prospects as they bring in the new year ‘LIVE’ on the national conference call and share how to ‘Build the Team and Live the Dream’ in 2012.

Listen to their excitement and positive focus on how you can make this New Year the best year of your life and truly achieve the success level with your Market America UnFranchise® business and SHOP.COM. Hear the newest updates on the upcoming ma® World Conference in Miami, FL. and why your attendance is in direct alignment with your success in 2012.

This is your year, and you have nothing to fear in taking your UnFranchise business to a personal level of success like never before. Don’t miss this powerful and urgent conference call.

Sunday night — Jan. 8, 2012 at 8:30 p.m. ET
646-519-5815 pin 1314 #
