Local Seminars Near You This Saturday, June 8, 2013

One of the greatest assets of being an UnFranchise® Business owner is the surplus of information available to you. Seminars hosted by successful UnFranchise® Business owners are a great outlet for gaining new perspectives and problem solving tactics. Don’t miss out on these opportunities that may be near you over the weekend to gain insight on building your UnFranchise®!

Saturday, June 8:

Fishkill, NY
Hosted by: Kevin Provost
Featured speaker: Pauline Cheng

Syracuse, NY
Hosted by: Kim & Bob Holt
Featured speaker: Jacki Blasko

Ft. Washington, PA
Hosted by: James Dwyer
Featured speaker: Steven P. Harris

Green Bay, WI
Hosted by: Sandi & Steve Rodriguez
Featured speaker: Pam Torgerson

If we missed an event, be sure to comment and let us know!
